Keywords: Tournament

The NEC Cup is a single knockout tournament in Japan of fast games with sixteen participants, sponsored by NEC Corp. The winner's prize is ¥15,000,000 and runner up is ¥7,500,000. The sixteen players invited include the seven big Japanese title holders (Kisei, Meijin, Honinbo, Judan, Tengen, Oza, and Gosei), the NHK Cup and JAL Fast Game champions, NEC Cup New Pro champion, and top finishers in the previous year's NEC Cup. The official website is at [ext] (in Japanese).

The 31st edition was the last of this discontinued tournament (Chinese [ext] new).


  1st 1982 Takemiya Masaki  (d. Otake Hideo)
  2nd 1983 Sakata Eio       (d. Sakai Takeshi)
  3rd 1984 Cho Chikun       (d. Sakata Eio)
  4th 1985 Cho Chikun       (d. Kobayashi Koichi)
  5th 1986 Takemiya Masaki  (d. Kobayashi Satoru)
  6th 1987 Otake Hideo      (d. Rin Kaiho)
  7th 1988 Ishida Yoshio    (d. Cho Chikun)
  8th 1989 Otake Hideo      (d. Ishida Yoshio)
  9th 1990 Rin Kaiho        (d. O Rissei)
 10th 1991 Kato Masao       (d. Otake Hideo)
 11th 1992 Kato Masao       (d. Kobayashi Koichi)
 12th 1993 Yoda Norimoto    (d. Kato Masao)
 13th 1994 Komatsu Hideki   (d. Cho Chikun)
 14th 1995 Kobayashi Koichi (d. Cho Chikun)
 15th 1996 Otake Hideo      (d. Rin Kaiho)
 16th 1997 Kato Masao       (d. Kobayashi Satoru)
 17th 1998 Yoda Norimoto    (d. Cho Chikun)
 18th 1999 Kobayashi Satoru (d. O Rissei)
 19th 2000 Cho Chikun       (d. Kato Masao)
 20th 2001 Cho Chikun       (d. Kato Masao)
 21st 2002 Yoda Norimoto    (d. O Rissei)
 22nd 2003 Ryu Shikun       (d. Takao Shinji)
 23rd 2004 Kobayashi Koichi (d. Mimura Tomoyasu)
 24th 2005 Cho U            (d. Ryu Shikun)
 25th 2006 Cho Sonjin       (d. Kobayashi Satoru)
 26th 2007 Cho U            (d. Takao Shinji)
 27th 2008 Kono Rin         (d. Cho Sonjin)
 28th 2009 Hane Naoki       (d. Cho U)
 29th 2010 Kono Rin         (d. Hane Naoki)
 30th 2011 Cho U            (d. Yamashita Keigo)
 31st 2012 Takao Shinji     (d. Cho Chikun)

NEC Cup last edited by on August 14, 2013 - 21:36
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